First Aid Policy


Rationale: (why do we need this policy?)

To provide a safe and healthy environment for children, whànau, teachers, and others, Crossways Community Crèche is required to appropriately manage any event that causes actual or potential harm. This includes having a person available at all times with a recognised First Aid qualification and ensuring First aid kits are maintained and stored safely, so qualified adults can find the necessary provisions for administering first aid and documenting incidents.

Objectives: (What do we hope to achieve?)

To guarantee a qualified adult is always available to treat minor injuries, and administer medications, as outlined in the Medicines policy.

To ensure there are adequate provisions available for the treatment of minor injuries.

To ensure adults can easily find the necessary provisions for administering first aid; and children cannot access any hazardous materials themselves.

Guidelines: (How will we achieve it?)

Providing First Aid

Adults qualified to provide first aid include

  1. An adult who holds a current First Aid qualification gained from a NZQA accredited first aid training provider; or
  2. a registered medical practitioner or nurse with a current practising certificate; or
  3. a qualified ambulance officer or paramedic.

There must always be a qualified adult available to administer first aid when children are attending the centre or while out on a trip.

All permanent teachers are required to have a current first aid qualification.

A record must be maintained of all accidents and first aid given. Parents/guardians are to be advised of any accident/incident involving their child in accordance with the accident procedure.

First Aid provisions

A comprehensive primary First Aid kit must be available for everyday use at the centre at all times.

A basic portable First Aid kit must be taken on all trips outside of the centre.

In the case of an emergency evacuation a basic First Aid kit should be available for a quick exit of the building. A comprehensive First Aid kit should be included in the Civil defence emergency supplies.

First Aid kits may contain any Category (i) medicines Crossways Community Crèche chooses to use, medicines must only be used if written authority has been gained from parent/guardian.

All first aid kits must be clearly labelled and stored in appropriate places to enable adults to access them easily. The contents of all first aid kits must be inaccessible to children at all times.

The Primary First Aid kit should be placed near a water source where injured children who may require bathing or treatment with water can be cared for using a hand wash basin or the body wash facility.

First aid kits should be well stocked at all times in accordance with the list of first aid kit contents found in Appendix 1: First aid requirements for Criterion PF28.

The Health and Safety officer will ensure the first aid kits are maintained on a regular basis.


Education [Early Childhood Services] Regulations 2008: Regulation 45 and 46

Licensing Criteria for Early Childhood Education and Care Centres 2008: Criterion PF28 First aid kit, HS22 First aid qualifications and accident management, HS27 Medical assistance

Appendix 3: Categories of medicine for criterion HS28, Appendix 1: First aid requirements for Criterion PF28

ECE services Emergency Planning Guidance 201: Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management and the Ministry of Education

Approved date: August 2020 Review date: August 2023