Food and Nutrition Policy


Rationale: (why do we need this policy?)

Nutrition is fundamental to developing a sense of well-being and to meeting the growth and activity needs of healthy, confident children. Making nutritious and balanced food choices is best promoted when the whole community is involved in creating a positive environment that supports healthy ways of being.

TE WHĀRIKI Well-being - Goal 1: Children experience an environment where their health is promoted.


  1. kaiako (teachers) and whānau (families) understand the importance of good nutrition, and act in ways that promote children’s knowledge and participation
  2. food is provided that:

    • meets each child’s nutritional needs
    • is in step with healthy eating guidelines
    • meets obligations under regulations that govern food and nutrition
  3. to ensure food preparation and consumption practices maintain hygiene and are culturally appropriate

  4. to help children learn what healthy food is and why we need nutritious food for maintaining our bodies

Guidelines: (How will we achieve it?)

Provision of food

  • Each day parents/caregivers should provide a named lunch box with enough food for their child’s needs while attending
  • Food should be of sufficient variety, quantity, and quality to meet the needs of the child
  • Guidelines for food brought from home should make it easy for families to know what is expected and be flexible enough to include foods and ways of eating that are familiar to the family and child
  • Spending the day learning and playing requires good nutrition that sustains children over the day. Parents are encouraged to provide simple nutritious food such as vegetables, fruit, cheese, yoghurt, lean meat, seafood, eggs, seeds, beans, lentils, bread, rice, and cereals
  • Access to a clean drinking water supply will always be ensured. Water is the primary beverage offered at the centre and will be offered regularly throughout the day. Older children are able to access drinking water independently
  • Birthday and celebration foods may be provided by parents/caregivers in consultation with kaiako. Healthy snack options are encouraged alongside celebration food such as birthday cake
  • Food provided by parents for shared consumption during hours of operation must be prepared in accordance with best practice as set out in ministry of health: reducing food related choking for babies and young children at early learning services.
  • Consideration should be given to the current dietary needs of all children who will be present on the day
  • If a child has insufficient food, the centre will supplement using additional food such as crackers or fruit.

Food hygiene and safety

  • For food provided by parents for their own child’s consumption, we will promote best practices as set out in Ministry of Health: Reducing food related choking for babies and young children at early learning services.
  • At the time of enrolment, the centre will provide parents a copy of Ministry of Health: Reducing food-related choking for babies and young children at early learning services.
  • Food allergies and intolerances or dietary requirements are the shared responsibility of the child’s family and the centre
  • On enrolment we will ask parents/caregivers to share with us any information regarding children’s allergies, intolerances, or dietary requirements, so that kaiako can manage these needs at the centre
  • In individual cases it may be necessary to have a food management plan in place to manage allergies, intolerances, or dietary requirements
  • Children with known allergies will be supervised when selecting from shared food or encouraged to eat their own food only
  • Parents/whānau should be notified of any foods not to be brought to the centre due to the risk of allergic reactions
  • The names and photos of children with food allergies, intolerance or dietary requirements are displayed in the kitchen for adults preparing and serving to be aware of. Kaiako are responsible for ensuring this is complied with
  • Food must be prepared, stored, and served hygienically
  • Children should be seated and supervised while eating to minimise the risk of choking on food and to ensure in an event of an adverse reaction that appropriate action is taken
  • Staff and children will use good food hygiene practices such as hand washing before preparing food, before eating, and after going to the toilet
  • A fridge is available for ensuring all food provided by the creche is stored in a safe and hygienic manner. It is not possible to refrigerate all lunchboxes provided by whānau, so parents should be made aware that if they are providing food items that need to be kept cold, they should be packed in a cooler bag (or similar)
  • Where appropriate, food can be heated for children using the microwave. We will ensure the food container provided is suitable for microwaving or use an appropriate container
  • In accordance with the Children’s Sleeping Policy and Procedures, no child will have access to any food or liquid while in bed or any other sleeping or resting place.

Food records

  • Kaiako will maintain a record of foods provided by the centre and served to the children, including foods given in addition to that their parent /caregiver has supplied, food consumed as part of a cooking or food activity, and food provided for celebrations such as birthdays
  • A record of all food served, other than that provided by parents for their own child, must be available for inspection for 3 months after the food is served

Breastfeeding and bottle feeding We recognise the importance of breastfeeding to the child and parent. We aim to provide a breastfeeding-friendly environment, which is supportive, welcoming, and comfortable for any breastfeeding people. Bottle feeding is also welcomed.

References: Education [Early Childhood Services] Regulations 2008: Regulation 45 & 46 Licensing Criteria for Early Childhood Education and Care Centres 2008: Criteria PF15, PF16, PF17, HS19, HS20, HS21, HS22, HS 23

Approved date: April 2020 Review date: April 2023