Staff Appraisal Policy


Rationale: (why do we need this policy?)

Effective and efficient staff appraisal at Crossways Community Creche ensures that we provide an environment where teachers can perform well, seek professional and personal development, and contribute positively to the values and philosophy of the Crossways Community Creche, and the values of Matatu Aotearoa Our Code, Our Standards.

Whakamana: Empowering all learners to reach their highest potential through high quality teaching and leadership. Manaakitanga: Creating a welcoming, caring and creative learning environment that treats everyone with respect and dignity. Tikanga: Showing integrity by doing the right thing in ways that are fair, honest and just. Whanaungatanga: Engaging in positive and collaborative relationships with our colleagues, learners, their families/whanau and the wider community.

Objectives: (What do we hope to achieve?) The purpose of an appraisal is to set clear performance expectations and outcomes for staff. It provides ongoing support and feedback for staff to meet or exceed the expectations and standards set by Crossways Community Creche. It will ensure opportunities for ongoing training and professional development will be available for staff working at Crossways Community Creche.

Why are appraisals important?

  • Ensures high quality education and care is provided at Crossways Community Creche.
  • Celebrates successes.
  • Ensures that staff’s existing skills, expertise, special abilities, and talents are recognized and utilised to their full potential.
  • Provides staff with feedback, direction, and support.
  • Identifies areas and actions for growth and development.
  • Assists the Senior Teacher and the Committee in future planning.
  • Assists staff to recognise their potential and set specific goals to improve their performance in the future.
  • Provides with feedback from peers.
  • May provide opportunities for ongoing coaching or mentoring

Guidelines: (How will we achieve it?)

The Performance Appraisal Process is:

  • Not limited to a single formal appraisal. Informal appraisal is regular and ongoing
  • Confidential to the staff member involved, the Senior Teacher, the Chairperson, the Staff Liaison officer and any staff sub-committee members if agreed.
  • The responsibility of the Staff Liaison officer for the Senior Teacher
  • The responsibility of the Senior Teacher or nominated Appraiser for other Registered Teacher
  • Carried out in such a way as to ensure the staff member participates in the evaluation of their work, and has opportunities for self-reflection.
  • All staff will participate in an annual appraisal and set goals in conjunction with the Senior Teacher or nominated Appraiser, as a result of the appraisal process.
  • All staff will link their professional development directly to their appraisal goals and document this as part of their professional development planning.
  • Performance expectations, including the Registered Teacher Criteria (RTC) will be used for the purpose of quality assurance including attestation and teacher registration.
  • To be completed before the end of the financial year each year (1 July)

References: Education [Early Childhood Services] Regulations 2008 (and its Amendments): Regulation 47 Licensing Criteria for Early Childhood Education and Care Centres 2008: Criterion GMA7

Approved date: April 2021 Review date: August 2022